A Story Redefined: A Companion Guide for Carnton, Carter House, and Rippa Villa


Our new companion guide follows the McGavock, Carter, and Cheairs families from the founding of the nation through westward expansion, the growing divide regarding slavery, the American Civil War, the arrival of that war on their doorsteps, the daring escape at Spring Hill and the devastating loss at Franklin, the rebuilding of these communities and the nation through the triumphs and failures of Reconstruction, and the continued effort in pursuit of our Founding ideal of Equality. Stunning photographs, maps, and artwork enliven and bring clarity to the

“You have helped me understand more about American history in one hour than I learned in college.” 

We frequently hear phrases like this from guests. As we weave the story of America through the stories of the families, white and black, who lived at Carnton, the Carter farm, and Rippa Villa, it becomes vivid and profoundly meaningful. Now, you can take that story home with you.

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